The Interior Department is letting stand the Bush administration regulation that limits protection of polar bears from global warming.
Our irresponsible decisions will be landing at our doorstep! Fatal habitat loss continues to threaten our wildlife. Polar bears walk long distances to reach food and migrate to other ares in the North. With increasing climate tempreratures glaciers are melting forcing polar bears to plunge to their deaths. Act now! visit your local wildlife organization or send a letter to congress. This is one of hundreds of thousands of species now facing extinction.
Environmentalists have strongly opposed the rule as have many members of Congress. They argued the limits violate the Endangered Species Act because the release of greenhouse gases from power plants, factories and cars indirectly threaten the bear's survival.
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This is something to apreciate... Nothing is noticeable now, but the day it does it will be way to late.. just until the day we tell our children that once there used to be a white bear that lived on the north pole... but I guess it would be the same as telling them about Santa Clause...
Wow! Did not know about this. Thanks!!!!
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